Eye Conditions

Eye Conditions


Myopia (short sightedness) is when you have trouble seeing in the distance. There is currently no cure for myopia, however spectacles, contact lenses, orthokeratology and refractive surgery can all provide good distance vision for people with myopia.


Hyperopia (long sightedness) is when you have trouble seeing up close. People with hyperopia often have reasonable vision in the distance, but may find that their vision is blurred or that they experience feelings of eyestrain or headaches when doing near work such as reading. 


Presbopia is a common condition that makes reading difficult with age. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable between the ages of 40 and 50 as an inability to focus on near objects. 


Astigmatism is when the front of the the eye is oval shaped and means blurred vision at all distances. Spectacles and contact lenses (hard and soft) can correct astigmatism.

Amblyopia (Lazy-Eye)

Amblyopia is the medical term used when the vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and the brain are not working together properly. This condition is also sometimes called lazy eye. 


Strabismus is a failure of the two eyes to maintain proper alignment and work together as a team. With strabismus, one eye looks directly at the object you are viewing, while the other eye is misaligned inward, outward, upward or downward. Early detection of strabismus can help the eyes work together properly as a team.